.dont know if it was a successful one.
.but all i know is i slacked ALL THE WAY at OUB plaza.
.met chi and ww before gng to raffles to meet up with the rest.
.thank god i have them if not imma sure gona be late.
.nice ! :D
.met xing at marina and went to walk ard before gng back school.
.took the chance to catch some sleep on the bus.
.but i seriously didnt want to get down.
.then its prep time for GIRLFRIEND !!!!
mrboiboi with his "girls"
whats with alex HAHAHAHA
.performance ytd was funfunfun man!!!.
.kept laughing from the start of the make till the end of the performance.
.and i must say ore can really act !!! .
.nothing beats more than pictures to tell you how funny we look.
.get readdy for the rise of the geek federation!
prouldy presents: xinG pEg nicolE becKie vickS
girlfriend performers
us on the stage
.love her on stage SO CUTE!! :D
up close and personal with mr MERLION!
with da mei nu
best partner if the year!!
not forgetting our speciality even when we are geeks LOL
love them to bits!!
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